AI Assistant to suggest Google Sheet™ formulas from a description
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:7 Ocak 2024
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Genel Bakış
FormulaBuddy makes your life easier by using AI to quickly generate Excel or Google Sheet™ formulas from your text instructions. With FormulaBuddy, you do not need to put effort into building formulas on your own from scratch. 

Let’s say you have a query: “How do I tell excel that anytime column B has “shoes” in it, to multiply column C by .5 but if it’s anything besides shoes, to multiply by .25?”

By entering this query into FormulaBuddy Google Sheet™ Addon, it will give you a direct formula - “=IF(B1="shoes",C1*.5,C1*.25)”

Not only it will generate formulas for you, but it can also give you a feasible explanation for any complex formulas. This will make your life much easier and would help you to save tons of time that you spend on Excel or Google Sheet™.
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Bu uygulamanın yüklendiği e-tabloları görüntüleme ve yönetme
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