Use FORTIX Connect and upload emails directly from your inbox.
Fungerer sammen med:
The Add On primarily built to provide easy way to communicate from your Gmail Inbox with your FORTIX Account. It uses raw email contents to push the emails to FORTIX System. The time consuming work of download and upload the emails is reduced through the help of this Add In. You will be able to push your emails directly from the Inbox to the system. It allows you to assign your emails to opportunities, work requests. It also enables user to send the emails to support and sales. The user needs to be authenticated with his/her FORTIX Account so the system understand who is exaclty trying to upload the emails.
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FORTIX Connect har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver FORTIX Connect tilladelse til følgende:
Se dine mails, når tilføjelsen kører
Kør som en Gmail-tilføjelse
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
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