The easiest way to write screenplays with Google Docs.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:22 Ocak 2025
Şununla çalışır:
394 B+
Genel Bakış
Fountainize lets you write simple text and convert it into a beautifully formatted script all with the press of a button. Collaborative screenwriting has never been this easy!

Fountainize is based on the Fountain markup language. By writing your text following a simple set of rules, Fountainize is able to determine what should be a character, dialogue, action, or any other part of a script. Don't worry though! The rules are easy. For example:

Character: Write in all caps, ex. SAMANTHA
Scene: Start the line with 'int.' or 'ext.' (no quotations of course!)
Dialogue: The line after a character or parenthetical is always considered dialogue

See? The rules are designed to speed up your workflow and let Fountainize do the dirty work for you. Whenever you feel like turning your text into screenplay, just hit the button and voila! It's done.

Fountainize was built specifically so you can reap all the benefits of Google Docs while still making professional looking screenplays. Now, Fountainize won't replace professional screenwriting software (it doesn't do continued dialogue or exceptions to rules*) but it is the BEST tool for efficiently writing drafts or personal projects. And of course, working with friends!

Happy writing!

* Not yet, anyway
Fountainize icon made by Freepik from Thanks Freepik!

v5 (June 14, 2020)
### Added
- Pro license option
- Character shortcuts
- Title page (pro only)
- Scene numbers option
### Changed
- Free version limited to 800 elements

v4 (Nov 17, 2019)
### Added
- Change footer format for page numbering
- Document is formatted automatically when it is opened
- Indicator that Convert Markup is working
- Page number instructions
### Changed
- New sidebar appearance
- Only add line spacing - never remove. This allows people to add lines for proper page formatting
### Fixed
- searchPattern error
- No selection error handling
- Tested menus, updated help section to help users
- Transitions are aligned right

v2.1 (October 19, 2017)
- Added transitions, centered text
- Minor wording fixes

v2.0 (October 18, 2017)
- Released!
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