Frederick helps local service businesses fill their schedule with smart email and text marketing campaigns.
79 mil+
Visão geral
Frederick offers free online scheduling and appointment reminders for local service businesses.

Frederick lets your clients book appointments online and on mobile devices, and automatically syncs your appointments and availability with Google Calendar. It's incredibly easy and 100% FREE!

Frederick is the only unlimited, free online booking tool for Google Calendar, and it's the easiest around.

What's even better? If you import your appointment history and customer email addresses, Frederick can automatically send highly targeted email marketing, appointment reminders and promotions to the right customers at the right time.

* Add as many services as you like for clients to book online.
* Connect multiple Google Calendars for multiple providers on your staff.
* Get your very own, custom-branded booking website.
* Turn appointment reminders and customer communications on auto-pilot.

Businesses of all types use Frederick to book online, including:

* Salon
* Spa and Massage
* Auto Repair Shops
* Cleaning / Maid Services
* Yoga & Fitness Studios
* Dental & Medical Practices
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O Frederick - Automated Marketing for Local Services pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Frederick - Automated Marketing for Local Services precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Frederick - Automated Marketing for Local Services faça o seguinte:
Ver, editar, compartilhar e excluir permanentemente todas as agendas que você acessa pelo Google Agenda
Ver, editar, fazer o download e excluir permanentemente seus contatos
Associar suas informações pessoais a você no Google
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
Ver informações básicas do perfil, incluindo sua faixa etária e seu idioma
Ver e baixar todos os endereços de e-mail da sua Conta do Google
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