Track and optimize Google Ads™ and website traffic to receive only relevant calls via your static phone No (w/o extra No & VoIP, all traffic data in Google Analytic™s, 1-click dynamic call tracking).
정보 업데이트:2023년 9월 3일
호환 기기:
Over 75% of owners who refuse to have Dynamic Call Tracking don't do so because of additional costs. For instance, Google Forwarding Numbers is a free tool. The main concern is that their businesses won't actually own the additional phone numbers or will depend on them. Thus, new client generation sources and communication channels with existing clients aren't insured. Furthermore, many businesses rather won't track all calls automatically in order to do not optimize traffic for the majority of irrelevant calls they normally keep receiving.

Free Call Tracking is a free and simple tool for semi-automatic dynamic call tracking. You only need your single phone number (no dynamic phone numbers insertion) on your website to track with Google Analytics™ all the traffic data of those who visit your website and call your office.

1. Users visit your website
A potential customer visits a product/service page of your business website because of a paid ad, your social media, or an organic search.

2. Site visitors call your office
Your office/sales manager receives a call from a potential customer. During the conversation - take a 5 seconds look at your Free Call Tracking Google Sheet™.

3. Match calls in a single click
Does the Free Call Tracking GSheet show that there is currently a visitor on your website that matches the caller's interest and/or source? Ask the caller to browse to another page for double-checking and click Call to match the call traffic.

4. A new client calls for less cost
Explore the traffic details of callers from your website in your Google Analytics™ account. There is also a call conversion in your Google Ads™. Define Cost per Call, adjust SEO, and analyze your Return of Ad Spent strategy in Google Ads™.
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