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Genel Bakış
The fishbone diagram is a problem solving method which seeks to look at a problem holistically and ask at least 5 WHYs on why a problem is occurring. The key point for the fishbone model is to brainstorm and try to figure out at least 5-6 possible factors which may be causing the problem you face (For example, how to increase sales). To begin using the fishbone model, the entire project has to go through a few phrases. These phases include

- Defining the problem
- Thinking of at least 5 possible reasons the problem is occurring
- Elaborating/expanding upon these 5 possible reasons
- Choosing the reasons which are most likely to have an impact on your problem

There are a few key benefits when using the fishbone model for problem solving

- Help to find the root cause of a problem
- Easy to understand as more important factors are placed closer to end of the fishbone diagram
- Allows the entire group to brainstorm and find the various factors which are causing this problem

Downsides to Fishbone Model

- Takes time to understand the root causes of a problem
- Not a good model to use if there is insufficient technical expertise

Try using our diagramming software to make your own fishbone diagram now. This software is 100% free to use.
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