Edit your Text Files and Code File quickly online.
Listingan diperbarui:26 Februari 2023
Berfungsi dengan:
153 rb+
A simple, elegant way to write down your notes.

This is where you can simply save all of your notes. Write down your thoughts, to-do list, or shopping list straight from your Chrome browser to the 
Notepad. Notes taken can be saved into your Google Drive/computer

Edit your text/html files online today with our online notepad software. We allow you to open and edit your text and HTML files online with our free software. 
Once you have finished making the changes needed, you can download the edited text file back onto your computer.

- Easy to use and simple notepad design.
- Powerful formatting options in the notepad text editor.

Editor supports all kinds of formatting options :
- Font size/type/style/color/background color
- Block-quote
- Code-block
- Listing
- Alignment
- URL link
- Image
- Video
Informasi tambahan
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DukunganTidak tersedia
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