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The waterfall model is a process model which is used for software development. The key point for the waterfall model is a project
is split off into different sections and a new section cannot be started until the previous section has been completed. To begin using
the waterfall model, the entire project has to go through a few phrases. These phases include

- Requirements Gathering
- Designing the System
- Implementation
- Integrating and Unit Testing
- Deployment of System
- Maintenance

There are a few key benefits when using the waterfall model for project management

- Easy to manage as deliverables are specified for each section
- Easy to understand as the project can only continue when previous section has finished
- Great project model when user specifications are clearly defined and the scope of work can be estimated accurately

Downsides to Waterfall Model

- User requirements are inflexible and cannot be changed mid-way throughout the project
- Not a good model to use if user changes to project requirements have to be made
- Project can come in over-budget/overdue if project estimates are not accurate

Our software allows you make use of the waterfall model for your own project. All you have to do is write down the user requirements for
your project, divide it up into appropriate sections and then place the KPI's/Deliverables into the correct section. We have made a few
examples of how to use a waterfall model for some sample software projects.

Try using our diagramming software to make your own waterfall project diagram now. This software is 100% free to use.
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