Refresh your Google Forms™. Instead of copying your Form, refresh it to continue to use. Creates a new tab in the Google Sheets™ spreadsheet for new Form responses.
Дата оновлення:29 листопада 2023 р.
71 тис.+
Keep reusing the same Google Form™. Instead of making a copy of your Form to use with a new group of people, REFRESH IT! You MUST already have a Google Sheets™ spreadsheet linked to your Form. This Add-on will remove the Form responses from the Form but preserve the responses in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will be disconnected from the Form and then reconnected to create a fresh tab in your spreadsheet for your new responses. 

Created by Google Developer Expert and teacher Alice Keeler. Collects NO User Data. NO PII. Check out more of her Add-ons at
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