FreshBooks is the fastest way to invoice your clients, organize expenses, and track time on-the-go. Join over 24 million small business owners already using FreshBooks to make billing painless.
Oppføring oppdatert:11. august 2022
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While you rely on GSuite to run your business and work with your clients, you can count on the FreshBooks integration to keep all your client and business data up-to-date and organized no matter which platform you’re working from.

Create and Manage FreshBooks Clients from Gmail

With the FreshBooks add-on, you’ll be able to easily create and manage clients right from Gmail. Know where you stand with your clients with quick access to billing status like how much is overdue, outstanding, and what you’re planning to invoice for in the future for every client. 

Easily Invoice from Wherever You Work

Now, you don’t have to toggle between Gmail and FreshBooks. You can create, draft, and send invoices directly from Gmail, so it’s easier than ever to work the way you want.
Cut Your Work in Half with Automatic Syncing

When you use the FreshBooks add-on, all the changes to clients and invoices you make through Gmail will be reflected in your FreshBooks account automatically. 
Getting Started

If you already use FreshBooks, simply sign in to Gmail, add the FreshBooks add-on and connect with your FreshBooks account when prompted. 
Like the sound of FreshBooks invoicing and accounting, but don’t have an account yet? Start a 30-day free trial by visiting:
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FreshBooks Invoicing Add-on kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
FreshBooks Invoicing Add-on kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir FreshBooks Invoicing Add-on tillatelse til å:
administrere utkast og sende e-post mens du bruker tillegget
Se metadataene for e-posten din når tillegget kjører
kjøre som Gmail-tillegg
koble til en ekstern tjeneste
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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