The main benefit of using our screenshot app is we allow you to make a screenshot of a page which is very long.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:28 Şubat 2023
Şununla çalışır:
54 B+
Genel Bakış
Take a screenshot now with this extension. Our app allows you to take screenshots even when you are offline. We also allow you to save your saved screenshot into Google Drive.

To begin using our extension to take a screenshot of any webpage,

1) Install the extension
2) Go to the page/URL you wish to make a screenshot of.
3) Click on our extension icon at the top right corner, choose "Full Page Screenshots". Your output file will be ready within a few seconds as our extension takes a screenshot of the page.

The main benefit of using our screenshot app is we allow you to make a screenshot of a page which is very long. So you do not have to try to patch multiple "print screen" images together. Try our software out
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