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Active Financial/Social/HealthCare Data Sets:

2014 International Trade: State Imports for NAICS4 Database

This international trade file provides the annual dollar value of imports of goods for all U.S. trade partners by state of destination for imports. It also provides these state totals by 4-digit NAICS based industry group. Data in this file spans from 2010 to 2014. 

2014 International Trade: State Exports for NAICS4 Database

This international trade file provides the annual dollar value of U.S. exports by origin of movement state for exports. It also provides these state totals by 4-digit NAICS based industry group. 

Vintage 2013 Population Estimates: National Monthly Population Estimates by Single Year of Age , Sex, 5 Races, Hispanic Origin, and Universe

Monthly Population Estimates by Universe, Age, Sex, 5 Races, and Hispanic Origin for the United States:

Vintage 2012 Population Projections - : Projected Births

Projected Births by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 2012 to 2060 File: 2012 National Population Projections Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Release Date: December 2012 NOTE: Hispanic origin is considered an ethnicity, not a race. Hispanics may be of any race. The projections generally do not precisely agree with population estimates available elsewhere on the Census Bureau website for methodological reasons. Where both estimates and projections are available for a given time reference, we recommend that you use the population estimates as the measure of the current population. For detailed information about the methods used to create the population projections, see http://www.census.gov/population/projections/methodology/. *** The U.S. Census Bureau periodically produces projections of the United States resident population by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Population projections are estimates of the population for future dates. They are typically based on an estimated population consistent with the most recent decennial census and are produced using the cohort-component method. Projections illustrate possible courses of population change based on assumptions about future births, deaths, net international migration, and domestic migration. In some cases, several series of projections are produced based on alternative assumptions for future fertility, life expectancy, net international migration, and (for state-level projections) state-to-state or domestic migration. 

Vintage 2014 Population Estimates: National Monthly Population Estimates by Single Year of Age, Sex, 6 Races, Hispanic Origin, and Universe

Monthly Population Estimates by Universe, Age, Sex, 6 Races, and Hispanic Origin for the United States

Time Series International Database: International Populations by 5 Year Age Groups and Sex

Midyear population estimates and projections for all countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // Release Date: December 2013 /

Time Series International Database: International Populations by Single Year of Age and Sex

2014 International Trade: Historical Imports and Exports

This international trade file provides the annual dollar value of U.S. exports and imports of goods for all U.S. trade partners. It also provides the annual dollar value of U.S. exports and imports of manufactured goods for all U.S. trade partners. 

EXPMANF2011 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2011 Exports 
EXPMANF2010 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2010 Exports 
IMPMANF2014 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2014 Imports 
IMPMANF2013 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2013 Imports 
EXPALL2014 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2014 Exports 
IMPMANF2012 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2012 Imports 
EXPALL2013 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2013 Exports 
IMPMANF2011 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2011 Imports 
IMPMANF2010 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2010 Imports 
SCHEDULE Schedule Number Country 
EXPALL2010 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2010 Exports 
EXPMANF2014 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2014 Exports 
EXPALL2012 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2012 Exports 
EXPMANF2013 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2013 Exports 
EXPALL2011 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2011 Exports 
EXPMANF2012 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2012 Exports 
IMPALL2006 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2006 Imports 
IMPALL2005 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2005 Imports 
IMPALL2008 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2008 Imports 
IMPALL2007 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2007 Imports 
IMPALL2009 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2009 Imports 
EXPALL2009 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2009 Exports 
EXPALL2008 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2008 Exports 
EXPALL2007 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2007 Exports 
IMPMANF2005 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2005 Imports 
EXPALL2006 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2006 Exports 
IMPMANF2007 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2007 Imports 
IMPMANF2006 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2006 Imports 
COUNTRY Country of origin/destination Country 
IMPMANF2009 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2009 Imports 
IMPMANF2008 General Imports Customs Value, Manufactured Goods: 2008 Imports 
EXPMANF2006 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2006 Exports 
EXPMANF2005 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2005 Exports 
EXPMANF2008 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2008 Exports 
EXPMANF2007 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2007 Exports 
EXPALL2005 Total Export Value, All Commodities: 2005 Exports 
IMPALL2011 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2011 Imports 
IMPALL2010 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2010 Imports 
EXPMANF2009 Total Export Value, Manufactured Goods: 2009 Exports 
IMPALL2014 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2014 Imports 
IMPALL2013 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2013 Imports 
IMPALL2012 General Imports Customs Value, All Commodities: 2012 Imports

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