Funtivity by Hermis brings fun activities to your Google Meetings. With 25+ activities including Trivia & Doodle, and new content refreshed every week, it's easy to add engagement to your meetings.
Fiche mise à jour le :21 février 2024
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Funtivity by Hermis is an employee engagement product for a distributed team. With 25+ different icebreaker activities and new meticulously crafted content every week, you can improve engagement in your team meetings. It's great for occasions like Employee Onboarding, Cultural Events, Summer Internships, Conference Breakout Sessions, Company Celebrations and more.


Play activities like Trivia, Bingo, Scavenger Hunt, Doodle Challenge, Forbidden Words, Escape Rooms, etc. along with pre-crafted content around cultural events, like Pride Month, Black History Month, etc can be used on a daily basis to bring joy to the team or on special occasions for cultural bonding events.

It's free to get started! Try it today and see the difference it makes!
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