The Add-on predicts future Dividend events (e.g.: Ex-Date), as well as Dividend Increases for multiple stocks concurrently.
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The Future Dividend Event Add-on predicts future Declaration Date, Ex-Dividend Date and Pay Date events. It also predicts when the next dividend increase will be declared. Events for multiple stocks can be predicted and shown concurrently.

Multiple stocks traded on Nasdaq can be selected. The user can select how far in the future the events should be predicted, up to one year forward. The events dates that can be predicted are declaration date, ex-dividend date and pay date. The user can select if the Add-on should predict if a dividend increase will occur during its declaration. The user can select the output format of the predicted events.

All features of the Add-on are available for free, immediately after installation. The Add-on can be called 50 times for free. Additional Calls can be purchased on line directly from the Add-on side bar. The Add-on informs the user about the remaining number of Calls.

In case the user calls the Add-on but an error occurs, the Call will not be accounted and the remaining number of Calls will not be modified.

'Future Dividend Events' Menu
The 'Future Dividend Events' Menu can be found in Google Spreadsheet Menu under 'Add-ons'. It consists of four elements:

'Future Dividend Data' opens a side bar where the user can select which dividends to predict and how to display it.
'Purchase Calls' opens a side bar where the user can check how many Calls are available and select how many Calls to purchase.
'Help' opens this front window.
'About' opens a front window with details about the Add-on version and the author.
'Future Dividend Events' side bar
This sidebar is the main interface of the Add-on. Here the user can select the stocks for which dividend Events should be predicted and how to display it. The elements of this side bar are:

'Symbol' to be filled with a comma separated list of tickers traded on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
'Forward Estimation Period' to predict future events. Events are predicted in a future that is either one Month forwards from today, 3 month (one Quarter) or up to one Year forward starting from today.
'Events to Estimate' where the user specifies which dividend Events to estimate. If both 'Declaration Date' and 'Dividend Increase' are checked, then the result will show "Declaration" when there is no Dividend Increase, and "Dividend Increase" on the Declaration Date where it is predicted to have a dividend increase.
'Output Format'. The Estimated Events can be dispayed in three possible different formats: "Calendar", where all Events of all stocks are dispalyed in a calendar, one row per day; "Single List of Events", similar to "Calendars", but days without any events are omitted; "Separate List of Events per Security", similar to "Single List of Events", but Events are separated per Security.
Press the 'Submit' button to call the Add-on, retrieve the past dividend Data, predict the future dividend Events and display them starting with the ones in the nearest future. The 'Reset' button deletes the content of the side bar. The 'Cancel' button closes the side bar without executing the Add-on.

'Purchase Calls' side bar
This sidebar has two purposes: report the number of Calls available and purchase additional Add-on Calls. In order to purchase additional Calls, select how many Calls to purchase. Note the price discount increases with the bigger purchase. Press the 'Proceed' button that opens a new sidebar to select the method of payment. After selecting the method of Payment, a new PayPal front window will open to perform the payment. After a successful transaction, a pop up window will inform about the number of Calls available. The 'Future Dividend Events' side bar will be visible where the user can immediately predict new Events using the newly purchased Calls.

Error Messages
Error messages are pop up windows that appear when no Events where predicted after pressing the 'Submit' button in the 'Future Dividend Events' side bar. The captured types of errors are:

Unrecognized symbols. None of the entered symbol is trading on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
No dividend event in selected period. There was no dividend event for the selected Period. This could happen for exemple if the Selected Period is one Month and there was no event in this month. Or, even if the Selected Period is One Year, but the only checked event was Dividend Increase.
No more function Calls. Please purchase additional calls directly in Google Spreadsheet Menu, Add-on>Future Dividend Events>Purchase Calls.
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