Zohno Tools help IT professionals automate employee onboarding and offboarding tasks quickly and easily.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:4 stycznia 2023
17 tys.+
Zohno Tools help IT professionals automate employee onboarding and offboarding tasks quickly and easily for FREE. 

Z-Hire’s easy-to-build user templates standardize user accounts for future use with a prebuilt set of attributes. A user template can be built for each department, office, region, and various account types (e.g., service accounts, employee accounts, VIP, etc). Easily turn an existing user into a user template, Z-Hire will copy existing user attributes into a template so you can easily create another user with the same group membership and user attributes. Create a new user account with just a single click using prebuilt templates.

Z-Term makes it easy to offboard user properly by following your IT policies. A pre-built set of tasks ensure that each user is offboarded the same way every single time, and proper procedures are followed. A simple click will disable the account, move the user to proper OU, remove all group memberships, clear the manager field, etc, and proceed to the cloud to disable all user accounts. This makes it easier to comply with SOX policies, and makes for a happy auditor.
Dodatkowe informacje
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
Aplikacja G Suite User Onboarding and Offboarding Tool poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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Wyświetlanie subskrypcji grup w swojej domenie i zarządzanie nimi
Przeglądanie jednostek organizacyjnych w domenie i zarządzanie nimi
Zarządzanie rolami delegowanego administratora domeny
Wyświetlanie dodawania użytkowników w domenie i zarządzanie nim
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