Gaggle is specifically created for K-12 with built-in processes and classroom work flows designed to promote educator and student productivity.
74 tys.+
Specifically designed for K-12, Gaggle allows students to take advantage of the latest technology for communication, collaboration, productivity and social learning, while helping teachers save time so they can focus on who matters the most… their students.

With a rich history in education, Gaggle complies with all U.S. privacy and safety laws, particularly those involving children, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Pricing details:
For a free consultation, demo or price quote, please email or call 800-288-7750.

Gaggle provides teachers and students a safe way to communicate, collaborate and stay organized. A unified integration point for applications and platforms, Gaggle also features a simplified classroom workflow for teachers to save time and to enhance student learning.

Start promoting student engagement in a safe and controlled environment while encouraging the sharing of diverse ideas and perspectives. 

Ready to see a demo? Call 800-288-7750 or visit
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gaggle.netStatus przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
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