Project Planning & Task Management: Create time charts resp. gantt schedules based on WBS in Google Spreadsheets. All project tasks will be summarized in one chart within your sheet. Free Gantt Chart
Eintrag aktualisiert:21. Oktober 2024
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➤ ➤ ➤ FEATURES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Task hierarchies
Manage up to 5 work breakdown structure hierarchies

2) Views
Switch between day, calendar week and month view

3) Dependencies
Define and visualize dependencies between tasks

We are grateful for any feedback and feature requests :) Just let us know! Thank you!

 ➤ ➤ ➤ ISSUES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Only the "Help" menu item does show up
This issue can not be fixed by us. Just reload the page and wait 30 - 60 sec, then all menu items will show up.

2) The error message " refuses to connect" shows up within the sidebar
This issue can also not be fixed by us. The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

2) The sidebar is completely blank
Again, the cause for this error is outside the gantt chart addon. The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

 ➤ ➤ ➤ SUPPORT ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Our website offers a FAQ section, with answered questions from other users. In addition you will find a contact form, to get in touch with us.
Weitere Informationen
PreiseKostenlos mit kostenpflichtigen Funktionen
Die App Gantt Chart & Project Management by GANTTophant fragt nach den unten angegebenen Berechtigungen. Weitere Informationen
Die App „Gantt Chart & Project Management by GANTTophant“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält Gantt Chart & Project Management by GANTTophant die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Alle Ihre Google-Tabellen aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder löschen
Externe Webinhalte in Aufforderungen und Seitenleisten in Google-Anwendungen anzeigen und ausführen
Ausführung dieser App während Ihrer Abwesenheit zulassen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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