3-way cash flow forecast Google Sheets™ tool. Powered by G-Accon.
Ändrades senast:1 mars 2024
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Cash flow worksheets are manual tools that can be used to track and manage cash flow. G-CashFlow is a Google Sheets™ add-on that automates the creation of cash flow worksheets and generates Cash Flow (direct method), Cash Summary , Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss reports based on your data.

G-CashFlow has a predefined chart of accounts that can be modified to match the needs of your clients. This means that you can start using G-CashFlow right away, without having to create your own chart of accounts. However, if you need to customize the chart of accounts to match the specific needs of your clients, you can do so easily.

G-CashFlow supports payment schedules, which allows you to track your income and expenses more effectively. This can help you understand your cash flow position better and ensure that you have enough money to cover your expenses.

G-CashFlow allows you to create multiple scenarios for your cash flow worksheet. This means that you can enter different assumptions about your income and expenses, and see how they would affect your cash flow.

G-CashFlow supports open balance. This means that you can import your existing cash balances into G-CashFlow and start tracking your finances from that point forward. This can be a great way to save time and effort, as you don't have to manually enter all of your transactions.
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