The G-Class Workflow will do the following: 1. Pulls ALL of your Google Classrooms and Lists them in a Google Sheet. In your Google Sheet, it will give you rows listed by Class Name, Course ID, Enrollment Code, and More. 2. Plan out your Curriculum year with Vocabulary, Bellringers/Bellwork, Objectives, Classwork and Upcoming Events in Google Sheets. These sheets will allow you to separately enter information by dates for the school year as you plan, and each sheet will go to a Master Plan sheet as this will be where the Google Clasroom Announcements and ClassWork gets its information. 3. Google Classroom Announcements - You can post 1 - 30 Google Announcements from a Google Sheet. This can be done by typing directly into a sheet or utilizing the Automation process based on key words and dates from your curriculum to pull the information into the Announcements and send to your Google Classroom of choice. 4. Google Classroom Classwork - You can post 1 - 30 Google Classwork Assignments from a Google Sheet. This can be done by typing directly into a sheet or utilizing the Automation process based on key words and dates from your curriculum to pull the information into the Classwork Assignments and send to your Google Classroom of choice.