SAP and Google App Integration
Oppføring oppdatert:6. mai 2023
Note: The App is functional after installing the Add-On Software on the SAP instance

G-Connect provides bi-directional synchronization of contacts, emails and calendar between CRM/ERP/C4C/Business One  and Google Contacts, mail and calendar. Installation of SAP Add-On is mandatory.

    Bi directional sync of calendar and emails
    Bi directional sync of Accounts and Contacts
    Compatible with SAP CRM/ERP/C4C/Business One 

G-Connect is the only SAP Certified solution that synchronizes Google Apps with CRM/ERP/C4C/Business One. G-Connect synchronizes Google mail, Google calendar and Google Contacts with SAP. As a cloud based app, G-Connect ensures that synchronization between your SAP system and Google Apps remains consistent even in the event of ever changing API’s. If you are looking for Google Apps integration with SAP, G-Connect is your solution. 
Features include: 

Email – G-Connect ensures two-way synchronization between mails in Google Apps and SAP. Mails sent from SAP will sync to the sent mail box of your Google mail account. Mails sent or received from Google will sync to the activity record of SAP. E-mail attachments also synchronize between Google mail and SAP and viceversa. 

Calendar – Appointments created, edited, or deleted in your Google calendar will sync to your SAP calendar. Appointments created, edited, or deleted in your SAP calendar will sync to your Google calendar. G-Connect gives you the ability to select which types of appointments or events will sync between Google and SAP by adding SAP CRM calendar to your Google Calendar automatically. 

Contacts – Contacts created, edited, or deleted in your Google address book will sync to your account and/or contacts in SAP. Contacts created, edited, or deleted in SAP will sync to your Google address book. G-Connect allows you to sync both individual contacts and groups of contacts between the two applications
Vilkår for bruk
G-Connect kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
G-Connect kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir G-Connect tillatelse til å:
lese, skrive, sende og permanent slette e-post fra Gmail-kontoen din
se, endre, dele og permanent slette alle kalenderne du har tilgang til gjennom Google Kalender
se og laste ned kalendere du har tilgang til gjennom Google Kalender
se, endre, laste ned og permanent slette kontaktene dine
se og administrere identitetshåndteringen for brukere på domenet ditt
se informasjon om brukere på domenet ditt
endre, organisere og slette alle oppgavene dine samt opprette nye
se oppgavene dine
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
Sorter etter:
Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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