Insert your keyword to generate relevant SEO suggestions and related keywords. You can then optimize your content based on the suggestions given. Unlock the full features to view your keyword metrics.
Дата оновлення:28 листопада 2023 р.
74 тис.+
We help content writers, bloggers, and online marketing experts like you to analyze and improve your content for better SEO.  

You will also receive information on your target keywords, including search volume, trend, and competition. This will give you insights on how to choose the most profitable keywords for your content. 

Main features:
*SEO Score - instantly know how well optimized your content is.
*SEO Suggestion - receive real-time suggestions to optimize your content.
*Related Keyword - improves the semantic relevancy of your content.
*Keyword Data - make better SEO decision with search volume, trend, and competition.


Your privacy is important to us: By default, this extension will check your content by sending it to our server over a securely encrypted connection. We don't store the content in your document and we don't access documents that you do not allow us to access. See for our privacy policy.

Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, kindly contact us at
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