Ultimate barcode scanner app for Google Sheets, featuring real-time data sync and the fastest AI-enhanced scanning. *Mobile App install required.
Zápis aktualizován:13. ledna 2025
785 tis.+
NEW! Try GearChain, the upgraded version of the Gear Inventory App. Download now: gearchain.io/download

[[Gear Inventory has been awarded as a Front Runner 2024 by Software Advice, a Barcoding App Shortlist 2024 by Capterra, and a Category Leader 2024 by GetApp.]]

* Install our mobile app and login with your Google account.

[Use Cases]
1. Inventory Tracking & Management:
    * Businesses with physical inventory needing streamlined operations.
    * Examples: Retailers, e-commerce businesses, warehouses, and manufacturing units.
2. Human Asset Check-In/Tracking:
    * Organizations managing events, conferences, or employee attendance tracking.
    * Examples: Event organizers, corporate offices, coworking spaces, and trade shows.
3. Compliance & Traceability:
    * Industries requiring strict audit trails or proof of compliance.
    * Examples: Food safety (farm-to-fork), healthcare (medical supply tracking in labs), and construction (material provenance).
4. Collaborative Projects:
    * Teams needing shared inventory access and user activity logs.
    * Examples: Non-profits managing relief supplies, small farms coordinating with distributors, or co-working spaces tracking shared equipment.

[Main Features]
Instant Google Sheets Sync: Gear Inventory seamlessly integrates with Google Sheets, updating your inventory in real-time as you scan. Manage your stock efficiently with our intuitive barcode scanner that links directly to your spreadsheets.

Flexible and Customizable: Tailor Gear Inventory to fit your business needs. Customize data fields to track anything from quantities to expiration dates, all from your mobile device.

Efficient and Secure: Designed for businesses of all sizes, our app ensures your data is always secure and accessible. Start managing your inventory smarter, faster, and safer today.

Easy Setup: Get started in minutes—download from the Google Play Store, connect to Google Sheets, and transform your inventory management with a few taps.

* Get Started Help: Our 1:1 live demo walk you through to build custom app in 5 min. Schedule a demo today: https://tinyurl.com/gearappdemo

* 24/7 Support: Our dedicated support team is here to help you maximize your inventory management efficiency.

* Gear Inventory is Cloud Application Security Assessment (CASA) certified.
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GEAR: Real-time Barcode Scanner with Google Sheets požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
GEAR: Real-time Barcode Scanner with Google Sheets bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
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