Instantly pull job listing data from technology companies into your spreadsheet.
Ficha actualizada:20 de febrero de 2023
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Información general
Get Jobs Data pulls job listing data from hundreds of prominent technology companies into a spreadsheet.

Postings are categorized by title, office / location, department (when available), and a link to the job post on the employer's career web site. 

Uses and benefits: 

* Streamline your job search with detailed tracking of target companies and employers
* Easily sort and filter jobs by location, department, title / seniority, or keyword
* Import jobs from multiple companies to compare and benchmark HR and hiring practices
* Discover job postings that aren't posted to third-party job boards or career web sites
* Track new and closed positions over time (imported listings update frequently)
* Research any company's hiring and recruiting trends in a structured data format
* Analyze job data as an alternative data source indicating where and how a company is growing or restructuring
* Import structured, clean data into your analytics or business intelligence (BI) tool for further analysis 

Get Jobs Data searches many prominent and fast-growing tech industry and startup companies including fintech, digital health, and B2B cloud and data platforms. 

Feel free to suggest new companies to our team via the Support link at the bottom of this page.
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