The easiest, fastest way to add GIFs to your documents
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The easiest, fastest way to add GIFs to your documents, presentations and emails.

GIFs provide a powerful, popular way to express a concept or thought when writing articles or documents. Tenor (GIFs provide a powerful, popular way to express a concept or thought when writing articles or documents. Tenor ( provides one of the world's greatest repositories of high-quality, free-to-use GIFs, perfect for any situation, and now GIF Explorer for Google Docs lets you instantly find these pictures and pull them into your documents with a click of a button: no copying and pasting and no need to switch window or tab. Just open the add on, search for the topic

- Easy, fast search through the tens of thousands of GIFs available on Tenor.
- Insert either an image or a link with the press of a button.
- Integrates with the primary interface: no need to switch to a different tab to search or insert a GIF.
- No login or signup required.

Powered by Tenor (
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