GIFT Quiz Editor helps instructors create quizzes with the GIFT language (started in Moodle).
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GIFT Quiz Editor was created to help instructors create quizzes with the GIFT syntax. It uses the GIFT parser from

GIFT is a short, intuitive and standardized syntax used originally in the Moodle community to create quiz questions. It allows to storing quiz questions in a textual format that can be versioned, shared and easily modified.

Several aspects of GIFT are not fully supported in Google Quiz, but Google's always evolving.

This project was first done by Jonathan G.V. under the supervision of Christopher Fuhrman during a special project in the fall semester of 2017 at École de technologie supérieure (ETS) Montréal. You can submit issues, requests and comments about the GIFT Quiz Editor add-on at the github repository: GIFT-google-quiz-plugin.
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