We can connect your Google Spreadsheet directly to Zoho CRM and synchronize your data. Import data from your Zoho modules, manually or automatically by the schedule.
Oppføring oppdatert:6. februar 2025
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We can connect your Google Spreadsheet directly to Zoho CRM and synchronize your data. 
Import data from your Zoho modules, manually or automatically by the schedule. Use filters to import only the data you want.  Build reports, pivot tables and charts with your live Zodo data using the power of Google Sheets. Automatically refresh and email reports to your team & clients using a flexible schedule. Easily share spreadsheets, track changes and collaborate with other users in Google Drive.


Connect to Zoho over secure OAuth2 protocol, so your password is never visible to us.
Update or insert data from all your Zoho modules.
Refresh data in your spreadsheet manually at any time by a single click.
 Refresh data in your spreadsheet automatically by the flexible schedule.

Support: contact us support@g-integrator.com for all issues, questions or feedback
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