Gluu makes your recurring work easy to Understand, Execute and Improve.
Gluu removes the friction of working together with business processes, work instructions, forms, cases and recurring tasks.

The platform has three products in one, integrated platform that lets all co-workers Understand, Execute and Improve their repeatable work. 

With the Understand product you can draw process flows and create swimlane diagrams that show "who does what" across organizational roles. Then add work instructions with video and G Drive files to show "how work is done". All processes can be managed in a single, interconnected process hiearchy where each process has its own owner and editor team.

The Execute products lets you add tasks to any activity in any process. Tasks can be recurring over time or started by cases. For case based flows you can set up templates with sequences of tasks and logic for starting each task.

Tasks show to co-workers with the right roles. They can then complete tasks and log with photo, time stamp and location from the native Android and iOS apps. All data is logged and can be reported and exported with a single click. 

The Improve product lets you tap into the comments made by co-workers and the data trail left behind when standard tasks are completed. Changes can be made with full revision history and easily communicated to the users that work with the process.

Gluu is used to run all the repeatable tasks of large factories, hotel chains, consultancies and fitness chains.
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Google Drive 파일 보기 및 다운로드
Google Calendar를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있는 모든 캘린더 보기, 수정, 공유, 영구 삭제
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
개인정보(공개로 설정한 개인정보 포함) 보기
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