Hiver is the world’s first helpdesk built for Google Workspace. We help teams deliver fast and empathetic customer service, right from the tool they are already familiar with - Gmail.
Eintrag aktualisiert:3. Februar 2023
Hiver is the world’s first helpdesk built for Google Workspace. We help teams deliver fast and empathetic customer service, right from the tool they are already familiar with - Gmail. 

This means they can assign, track, and collaborate on customer emails, as well as run the most advanced analytics and automations from the Gmail interface, without sacrificing any time on learning new software or switching tabs.

Hiver helps over 1500 companies - ranging from new-age unicorns to traditional enterprises - deliver a better experience to their customers. Companies like Canva, Lonely Planet, Flexport, Pluralsight, Oxford Business Group, and Upwork, among others, are powered by Hiver.

Hiver has all the powerful features of a helpdesk, yet the simplicity of Gmail. Here are a few:


Collision Alerts - Get alerted when someone is responding to an email. Avoid duplicate and conflicting responses.

Email Tags - Email tags for shared inboxes help you organize your emails by categories.

Auto Assignment - Automatically assign emails to your team in a Round-Robin manner for faster responses.

Email Templates - Save canned responses as templates. Share them with your team.

SLA & Business Hours - Set the right expectation for your team. Never drop the ball on customer queries.

Analytics - Track all your key customer service metrics. Identify areas of improvement and fix them. 

Customer Surveys (CSAT) - Measure customer satisfaction by sending a short survey at the end of emails.


Deliver brilliant customer service right from Gmail. Get started in minutes
Most secure customer service solution. Hiver does not store your emails.
No tickets, no weirdly formatted emails. Have real human-to-human conversations.
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Die App Gmail-based helpdesk for teams | Hiver fragt nach den unten angegebenen Berechtigungen. Weitere Informationen
Die App „Gmail-based helpdesk for teams | Hiver“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält Gmail-based helpdesk for teams | Hiver die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Gmail-E-Mails lesen, schreiben, senden und endgültig löschen
E-Mail-Einstellungen und Filter in Gmail aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder ändern
Gruppen in Ihrer Domain abrufen
Informationen der Nutzer Ihrer Domain abrufen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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