Goodlookup is a smart function for spreadsheet users. It delivers the benefits of AI language models to regular people. Subscribe on our website to start using.
Ficha actualizada:10 de noviembre de 2022
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Welcome to the Goodlife!

Goodlookup is a smart function for spreadsheet users. It delivers the benefits of AI language models to regular people. Goodlookup can find semantic relationships, synonyms, and even cultural similarities between text strings. 

Modern spreadsheet users have a join problem. Their data lives in multiple places without uniform naming conventions making it hard for them to get a clear and unified view of said data. Goodlookup helps you solve these text-to-text problems.

Goodlookup can match similar text the way a human would. It doesn’t try to replace fuzzy matching, it’s simply a new tool for your data ops repertoire. 

Subscribe on our website to start using.

Have a good day!
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