Send SMS from Google Sheets™. Google Sheet™ SMS is a free add-on to send SMS directly from spreadsheet.
Дата оновлення:18 березня 2024 р.
14 тис.+
Send SMS from Google Sheets™. Google Sheet™ SMS is a free add-on to send SMS directly from spreadsheet. Install the app and start to send bulk SMS from Google Sheet.

If you are looking for an answer to “How to send SMS from Google Sheet?” then we have the answer and the solution.
SMSIdea Google Sheet SMS Plugin helps you to send SMS directly from your Google Spread sheet. You do not have to move to other site to send SMS. All you need to do is to follow the following simple steps and you task is done

Step 1: Register your account on
Step 2: After registration Go to your Google Spread Sheet > Under the Menu’s Go to EXTENSIONS > ADD-ONS > GET ADD ONS
Step 3: Search for “SMSSpreadSheet” and Select “SMSSpreadSheet”
Step 4: Click Install and Give permission to the App by selecting your google account. The Plugin will be installed directly into your spreadsheet.
Step 5: Now Go to EXTENSIONS > ADD-ONS > SMSSpreadSheet > Login. Fill your credentials and you will log into the SMS Account.
Step 6: Now you just need to Add SMS Balance in your and you are ready to send your first SMS from the Google Spread Sheet

Features Supported:
    	Send SMS in Bulk
    	Send Personalised SMS
    	Send SMS to numbers in Specific rows
    	Schedule SMS
    	Schedule Each SMS on Different date and time in Bulk
    	Send SMS to Indian Numbers

Key Benefits:
    	Customised Messaging
    	Automate SMS on Form Submission
    	DLT template selection
    	Header Selection
    	Keyword based Messaging
    	Advanced Scheduling

Google Sheet™ is a trademark of Google LLC
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