This service is used by the Gopher Buddy Chrome extension for recommending Chrome OS version updates and managed Chromebook environments.
Ficha atualizada:10 de junho de 2022
17 M+
Vista geral
The Gopher Buddy Service is a partner API to the Gopher Buddy extension that must be enabled on a Workspace Domain before the Gopher Buddy Extension can work.  This service is responsible for performing the device version and user lookups required for the Gopher Buddy Extension to function. 

The Gopher Buddy Chrome Extension partners with the Gopher for Chrome Add-on to boost your fleet’s OS health and offers high-resolution usage history and network IP reporting on Chrome devices, as well as a handy way for students and staff to access key device info.

Gopher Buddy:

1) Extends the reporting powers of the Gopher for Chrome Add-on for Sheets to include user sessions that capture username, local & public IP address, start time, and session duration in minutes.

2) Gives logged-in Workspace users permission-based access to recent session info and device metadata like SN and Asset ID from the logged-in context.

3) Nudges users to help prevent Chrome devices from falling more than 3 version behind in their OS updates.

How does it work?

In order to gain these new powers, the Gopher Buddy extension must interact with the Gopher Buddy Service, an Amplified Labs hosted API that must be installed and authorized by a Workspace administrator and have a valid trial or paid license.    The Gopher Buddy Service is responsible for looking up Chrome OS version (depends on device model) and looking up and logging and storing user session details in an external datastore.

NOTE: Gopher Buddy is a ***PAID SERVICE*** bundled as a part of our Gopher for Chrome Premium, Gopher Pack, and Admin Tools Unlimited offerings. See
Informações adicionais
Estatuto de comerciante não especificado
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Política de Privacidade
Termos de Utilização
A app Gopher Buddy Service irá pedir as autorizações apresentadas abaixo. Saiba mais
A app Gopher Buddy Service terá de aceder à sua Conta Google
Esta ação irá permitir que a app Gopher Buddy Service:
Ver informações relacionadas com os clientes
Ver os metadados dos seus dispositivos com Chrome OS
Veja informações acerca dos utilizadores no seu domínio.
Ver o endereço de email principal da sua Conta Google.
Ver as suas informações pessoais, incluindo as que tiver disponibilizado publicamente
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