Bulk create, update, or delete G Suite for EDU users. Manage groups, contact directory fields, custom attributes, pws & more.
정보 업데이트:2024년 6월 4일
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Some key Gopher for Users features, with more just a short burrow away:

All bulk user actions provide a full, granular preview where you can inspect all changes and optionally exclude unwanted fields from the update.

Load users by OU, active state, or last login time and apply Sheets filters to any user field or property to limit users for update.

Include list of group memberships for each user and bulk Add / Remove users to / from Google domain groups.

Bulk generate and reset user passwords and distribute them via a printer-friendly email to designated points of contact.

Bulk delete users.

Bulk create new users in the correct org units and Google Groups.

Bulk create new users from mapped CSV data -- efficiently saves mappings for future re-use -- and leverage the unmapped data columns in your CSV data to assist with username, OU, and contact directory.

Create new users or bulk modify existing users with custom-defined G Suite user attributes.

Create new users or bulk modify existing user values for these default G Suite user properties and attributes directly via Sheets:
 - Org unit
 - Global contact visibility
 - Password
 - Force password reset on next login
 - Custom user attributes defined by you in the admin console

Basic information, including
 - First name
 - Last name
 - Primary email address

Contact information, including
 - Work phone 1
 - Home phone 1
 - Mobile phone 1
 - Work address 1
 - Home address 1

Employee details, including
 - Organization name
 - Employee type
 - Location
 - Employee ID
 - Employee title
 - Department
 - Cost center
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