The ultimate writing platform designed for seamless document creation, advanced AI content scanning, and verified authorship.
Данные обновлены:1 ноября 2024 г.
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42 тыс.+
Общие сведения
Protect student authorship and detect AI writing with GPTZero, now available in Google Classroom™.

GPTZero for Education merges Google Classroom™ and GPTZero Docs to offer powerful text editing and a holistic approach to writing. GPTZero Docs is a platform where teachers can assign work, students have a place to write, and teachers can efficiently grade.

With the Writing Report, teachers can watch a video that shows the student going through the editing process (revisions, copy/pastes, AI text.)

GPTZero is used and trusted by millions of educators and institutions and recognized by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.

❓How it works
    1. GPTZero AI detection utilizes machine learning by training a classification model to recognize and analyze differences in human and AI writing structures, and word choice.
    2. GPTZero is the most accurate and trusted AI detector, verified by multiple independent sources, including TechCrunch, which called us the best and most reliable AI detector. Read more about our technology at

🔒 FERPA and SOC2 Compliant
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Просмотр, создание и изменение собственных файлов, прикрепленных к записям в Google Классе, для курсов, на которых вы преподаете
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