Improve your writing and create compelling content with Linguix grammar checker & rewriter.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:7 listopada 2023
Współpracuje z:
18 tys.+
Improve your writing and create compelling content with Linguix grammar checker & rewriter.

Linguix is the best grammar, punctuation and spell checker to instantly rewrite your content  to make it more efficient. Solve your business and learning tasks, from crafting an email to writing final papers.  

Our tool offers users sentence rephrasing and checks grammar online in real time on millions of websites used by marketers, salespeople, customer support reps,  and HR professionals. Unlike Grammarly, LanguageTool, Sapling, ProWritingAid, our tool offers on-demand rephrasing for your sentences to make them sound native.

Every day Linguix writing assistant helps thousands of non-native English writers, including Spanish, Hindi, Mandarin, French, and German speakers, to improve content, solve business tasks, and earn more! 

✏️ Writing without mistakes = greater conversion 

Error-free writing improves marketing ROI, open rates for emails and pitches, decreases ticket  closure time, and speeds up internal communications, freeing up additional revenues! 

✏️ State-of-the-art paraphrasing and rewriting tool to focus on the meaning, not wording 

This browser extension helps paraphrase your sentences, fix grammar issues, punctuation and spelling problems, so  you can focus on the message. Rephrase and rewrite your sentences in one click to make your  writing clear, compelling, and authentic whether you are native or not. 

✏️ Synonyms review for impactful writing 

One word can make a difference in business communications. Review synonym suggestions and  word definitions to pick the ones that suit you best. No matter what you are writing: personal emails, work documents, or just chatting on social media, the extension helps you to express yourself effectively better to avoid lost opportunities for your career and business development. 

🔥 What you get

~ Free Plan
The free version of the tool offers you basic writing suggestions that will instantly improve your writing:

• Grammar and punctuation checker
• Spelling checker
• Text Rewriter

~ Pro Plan
Upgrade to Pro plan to get your communications to a whole new level. You will enjoy all features available for free, plus additional premium corrections and unique unlimited features:

• Additional advanced grammar checks
• Unlimited text rewriter / paraphrasing tool
• Vocabulary improvements (synonyms and word definitions)
• Fluency suggestions 
• Shortcuts / canned messages for faster typing in our browser extensions.

By installing the extension, you agree to Linguix's terms and conditions  ( and privacy policy (
Dodatkowe informacje
CenyBezpłatnie z płatnymi funkcjami
Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
Aplikacja Grammar Checker and Rewrite Tool by Linguix poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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Wyświetlanie dokumentów, w których zainstalowano tę aplikację, i zarządzanie nimi
Wyświetlanie i uruchamianie treści internetowych firm zewnętrznych w okienkach i na paskach bocznych aplikacji Google
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