Wordeep will automatically correct your grammar and spelling mistakes inside Google Docs™. Use our grammar checker to improve your writing, do grammar and spelling correction, and more.
Данные обновлены:5 июня 2024 г.
Совместимо с:
49 тыс.+
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Use Wordeep Google Doc™ Add-On to get real-time grammar and spelling suggestions in order to improve your writing

Wordeep will automatically correct your grammar and spelling mistakes. Use our grammar checker to improve your writing, do grammar and spelling correction, and more. Wordeep is an artificial intelligence extension that helps you improve your writing as you type, real-time proofreading.

This is more than a spelling or punctuation correction:
* You are welcome to compare it to tools like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, Ginger, Whitesmoke and others.
* It catches x3 times more errors than other tools.
* All data is secured, without human intervention.

We also have a Chrome Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wordeep-proofreading/olmmaccabblmaegeofmeidedoahadlkp?hl=en

For any feedback or support, please write to us on our website.

Wordeep - Better Writing Through Artificial Intelligence - https://wordeep.com

By installing the extension, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy: https://wordeep.com/privacy-and-terms
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