A style and grammar checker for English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, and several other languages. It finds many errors that the Google™ spell checker cannot detect.
Fiche mise à jour le :23 décembre 2024
Compatible avec :
3 M+
★ Finds many errors that the Google Docs™ spell checker cannot detect
★ No registration needed
★ Supports more than 25 languages (see below)

See https://languagetool.org/addon-redirect for our browser add-on, which also supports Google Docs™.

With this extension you can check text with the free style and grammar checker LanguageTool. LanguageTool finds many errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an, or repeating a word, and it can detect some grammar problems. It supports more than 25 languages, including English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, and Russian.

With LanguageTool our aim is to give users a fully-featured grammar checker and proofreader that will enable them to have control and confidence over their content. While LanguageTool is a vital extension for non-native speakers; it’s also smart enough to recognize mistakes that native speakers commonly make and it will improve your writing overall. This grammar and spelling correction works across all variations of common language; distinguishing between U.S. and British English, for instance. LanguageTool also features a personal dictionary for exceptions or words that you might commonly use but that are not found in a conventional dictionary. 

Usage: Just click "Add-ons > LanguageTool > Check text" in the menu to start proofreading your document. The detected errors will be shown on the sidebar. Select an error and it will be highlighted in the text.

Unlike Grammarly and Ginger, LanguageTool works for many languages.

Your privacy is important to us: By default, this extension will check your text by sending it to https://languagetool.org over a securely encrypted connection. No account is needed to use this extension. We don't store the texts you check. In fact, we don't even store your IP address. See https://languagetool.org/privacy/ for our privacy policy.

List of supported languages: English (Australian, Canadian, GB, New Zealand, South African, US), French, German (Austria, Germany, Swiss), Arabic, Asturian, Belarusian, Breton, Catalan (also Valencian), Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Galician, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Ukrainian
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais avec des fonctionnalités payantes
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer tous vos documents Google Docs
Afficher et diffuser du contenu Web tiers dans les invites et les barres latérales au sein des applications Google
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