Embed snapshots of GRID charts into Google Slides™. Google Slides™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Fiche mise à jour le :9 juin 2023
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1 k+
GRID is a smart spreadsheet surface that synchronizes with and visualizes data from your spreadsheets and databases. Using GRID, you only need basic spreadsheet skills to connect data from multiple sources, such as Google Sheets™, Microsoft Excel™ files (uploaded or on a cloud drive), or your Notion™ or Airtable™ databases.

Once your data is in GRID, you can visualize and manipulate it using charts and control elements in the versatile GRID document. This allows you to create charts for reports and other data-enriched narratives, such as business plans, where the reader can manipulate multiple variables and explore scenarios.

With the GRID extension for Google Slides™, you can add snapshots of GRID charts to your slides, making your presentations more compelling. GRID enables you to build and embed beautiful charts, and with this extension, you can easily keep them up to date in your presentations with a single click.

Google Slides™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais avec des fonctionnalités payantes
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
GRID for Google Slides™ vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
GRID for Google Slides™ aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
GRID for Google Slides™ pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Afficher et gérer les présentations Google Slides dans lesquelles cette application est installée
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