Allows group management to be delegated to non-admin users on a Google Apps domain.
Tiedot päivitetty:5. huhtikuuta 2024
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
2 milj.+
Be a dele-gator!  Group Gator allows G Suite domain admins to give their users a simple Sheets-based member management experience for Google Groups.

Produced by Amplified Labs, Group Gator allows domain admins to more effectively delegate management of domain groups to non-admin users.  Better group management means organizations also better manage their resource sharing, email communication, and event invites -- helping them more effectively serve students.

How Group Gator works:

1) DOMAIN ADMIN installs Group Gator via Google Apps Marketplace (not the Add-ons store) for the appropriate organizational units, and uses Group Delegation Panel to assigns delegated managers to domain groups.

2) GROUP MANAGERS launch Group Gator from the Google Sheets Add-ons menu in any Google Sheet, where they can use Sheets and the Group Gator sidebar to download or upload membership in one or more of the groups they have been delegated.  See tutorial:

Benefits of delegating domain groups via Group Gator

* POWER TO THE PEOPLE - Let the people with the right information and motivation manage domain group membership for themselves, but without giving them the expansive powers of ownership on the groups themselves.

* MAKE GROUPS EASIER FOR NON-ADMINS TO MANAGE - Delegated managers can add/remove members using the Group Gator Add-on for Google Sheets.

* REDUCE EMAIL OVERLOAD FOR GROUP MANAGERS - Delegated managers don't need to be owners or members of the groups they manage.

* MAKE GROUP MEMBERSHIP VISIBLE - Group Gator Add-on for Sheets turns any Google Sheet into a shared group directory.

CRITICAL installation step: Because it needs admin super-powers, Group Gator must be installed by a super-admin via the Google Apps Marketplace before it will work as a Sheets Add-on:
HinnatEi saatavilla
Muu kuin elinkeinonharjoittaja
Group Gator pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Group Gator tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla Group Gator voi tehdä seuraavaa:
nähdä kaikki Google Sheet ‑laskentataulukkosi sekä muokata, luoda ja poistaa niitä
Tarkastele ja hallinnoi verkkotunnuksesi ryhmien varauksia
nähdä tietoja verkkotunnuksesi käyttäjistä
tarkastella ja hallinnoida G Suite ‑ryhmän asetuksia
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