Send personalized emails based on Gmail™ template to multiple recipients using Gmail™ and Google Sheets. The namesake Group Merge feature allows the sender to group the contents of two or more rows into one email for a single recipient. OPEN-SOURCED and FREE! Like the mail merge feature available in Microsoft Word, Group Merge allows Gmail™/Google Workspace users to send personalized emails to the recipients listed in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Some notable features are: - Group Merge feature combines contents of two or more entries for the same recipient into a single email. - Use Gmail™ drafts as the template for mail merge. HTML styling, file attachments, CC & BCC recipients, and Gmail labels are preserved in the personalized emails. Please visit the website for more details! Source code is available at: Attributes: The original icon of this add-on was made by Freepik ( from ( and its colors are modified to fit the theme color of the app.