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Search and Collaborate on Domain Name Research from a Google Sheet
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Search and Collaborate on Domain Name Research from a Google Sheet

Designed for use by co-founders, friends, domainers, creators, entrepreneurs, artists, and organizations of all sizes during the domain name research and selection process.  GSheetDomains is the first and only Google Sheet add-on that allows for domain name research within a spreadsheet!

Within minutes you’ll be able to:
* See the availability of a web domain
* View 150 variations of the domain and their availability
* Save each search in a separate tab
* Mark and Save your favorites
* Share the Google Sheet with your co-founder, friends, family etc.
* Ask everyone to mark their favorites
* Compare favorites and discuss


After having installed the GSheetDomains add-on:

1. In a new spreadsheet, click "Add ons" then "GSheetDomains".  From this  new menu, click "Start Domain Search".

2. Simply enter your desired domain name and the add-on will show you a variety of domains and their availability.  

3. This will save your results in a spreadsheet for later work.  If you think the names are out of date, just click "Refresh Results" in the add-on menu to get the most up to date data!

Results are displayed with certain emojis which tell you each domain name availability.  For example, ✅ means the name is available to register! ❌ means it is taken while ✅💲 means it is priced or marketed to sell... better move fast!

GSheetDomains provides links to all your favorite domain name registers such as NameCheap, GoDaddy, HostGator, Domain.com, Google Domains and more!

Links within the GSheetDomains add-on contain affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Using our links will not increase the cost to you, the user. 

NEED SUPPORT? Contact gsheetdomains@gmail.com and our team will get back to you shortly!

By installing this item, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at gsheetdomains.com/#terms-of-service
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