Easy copy current sheet into another spreadsheet and not get lost in Google Drive folder structure.
Berfungsi dengan:
4 rb+
Copy Sheet from GSolutions lets you easy and quickly copy the whole sheet from origin spreadsheet to the any destination spreadsheet, without deep browsing over your nested drive folder structure. Why spend time on this? Simple use spreadsheet link or id of the destination spreadsheet. Within a seconds you'll have:

  * identical copy of the sheet
  * copy with the same formatting and values 
  * sheet with custom name
  * any amount of copied sheets
  * saved time and boosted productivity

Designed for easy to use and get exactly what you need.

If you have any questions, suggestions, remarks about the add-on, please send them here: https://gsolutionsonweb.com 
We'll be happy to assist!
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DukunganTidak tersedia
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