Send SMS from a Google Sheet™, with features like automation, comfort, and easy pricing
Дата оновлення:31 жовтня 2024 р.
" Supercharge Your Google Sheet™ with Automated Texting!

With Gunisms, transform your Google Sheet™ data into powerful SMS campaigns. Our native integration ensures that sending out your messages straight from Google Sheet™ is as intuitive as using a function formula.

• Effortless Bulk Messaging: Sending out to your entire list? No problem. Reach up to 1,000 recipients with a single click, right from your spreadsheet.
• Versatility in Sender ID: Make it personal with shared, dedicated numbers, or brand it up by using your business name.
• Complete Message Mastery: An integrated character counter within Google Sheet™ lets you craft messages without overstepping character limits, perfect for every platform.
• Stay in the Loop: Our Gunisms dashboard keeps you updated on every sent and received message.

To welcome you aboard, we're offering some starter credits, absolutely free, without any credit card strings attached. And when you're set, our pay-as-you-use model ensures you get the best bang for your buck, with incredibly competitive rates. Check out our detailed pricing at

Ready to redefine how you communicate from Google Sheet™? Dive into Gunisms today, and elevate your messaging game!"

Remember, a Google Sheet™ audience is looking for simplicity, power, and seamless integration. Highlighting these aspects will likely resonate most effectively with them.
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