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Easily create no-code workflow applications to streamline your business processes with GW Apps.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:24 stycznia 2023
7 tys.+
Accelerate your application development with No-Code. GW Apps is a cloud based app development platform that empowers Business and IT Users to create business process applications without using Code.

GW Apps Highlights:
- Built on the Google Cloud. Integration with GMail, Drive
- Drag, Drop & Configure: Simple
- Mobile Ready
- Advanced Workflow Features
- Robust Data Security
- Multiple Reports and Dashboard options
- Pre-built Templates to get you started
- Webhooks and APIs for  Integration with your favorite apps.

What Can I build with GW Apps?
New Web Applications to streamline workflow processes. GW Apps is well suited for workflow centric applications. Employee onboarding, performance review, time tracker, asset management are common examples.

Migrate Legacy Applications 80% faster than traditional methods. Modernize your legacy apps 80% faster than traditional methods. GW Apps was created to eliminate frustration when migrating legacy applications. Quickly migrate Lotus Domino, Filemaker, or other custom Apps to a cloud based platform without sacrificing functionality or ease of use.

Advanced Google Forms. Have you hit the limit with Google Forms? Our Flexible UI Form Builder lets you capture dozens and even hundreds of data fields in a well designed layout. Plus, Tabs and Embedded Views let you group and view your data without the hassle of infinite scrolling.

GW Apps was created to empower every user - IT Leaders, Citizen Developers, and Entrepreneurs alike - with the tools they need to streamline any business process.

Start creating your own Apps today.
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