Teaching resources for interactive whiteboards in schools.
Ficha actualizada:3 de septiembre de 2024
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30 mil+
Información general
Gynzy Teaching Tools enable you to get the most out of your classroom touchscreen with tools, templates, quizzes, and games available at your fingertips.
Explain concepts, create interactive lessons, and engage students by bringing your interactive whiteboard to life! 
Here’s what’s included:

Digital whiteboard
Turn traditional, front-of-class instruction into an interactive experience.

Content library
2,000+ customizable, ready-to-teach lessons across core subjects.

Agenda templates
Themed slides to welcome your students and start the day off right.

AI integration
Generate images, quizzes, and more.

Lesson-building tools
- Button
- Scoreboard
- Video Player (ad-free YouTube™)
- Answer Frame
- Flip Tile
- QR Code Generator
- Digital Dice
- Table Maker
- Spin the Wheel
- Spotlight
- Curtain
- Sticky Note
- Text-to-Speech
- Cover
- Instruction Clock
- Adjustable Analog Clock
- Adjustable Digital Clock
- Day/Night Clock
- Timed Flash Cards
- Number Generator
- Thermometer

Classroom management tools
- Classroom Seating Chart
- Traffic Light
- Timer
- Group Maker
- Voice Levels
- Buddy Picker
- Name Picker
- Activity Manager
- Calendar
- Morning Routine
- 100th Day Chart
- Attendance
- Independent Study Timer
- Stopwatch
- Hourglass
- Digital Clock
- Analog Clock

Math tools
- Number Line
- Bead String
- Rekenrek/Abacus
- Drawing Compass
- Triangle Protractor
- Half-Circle Protractor
- Ruler
- Multiplication and Division Fact Fluency
- Metric System
- Line Chart
- Simple Bar Chart
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Number Bonds
- Base 10 Blocks
- Ten Frame
- Building Blocks
- Buying Items and Making Change
- Paying Money
- Counting Money
- Money Drag
- Calculator
- Measuring Cup
- Math Problem Generator
- Fraction Bar
- Fraction Circle
- GeoGebra

Games & Activities
- Classroom Quiz
- Open Question
- Memory
- Bingo
- Picture Bingo
- Save the Robot
- Gynzy Game Show
- Birthday Cake
- Floating or Sinking
- Would You Rather…?
Información adicional
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Términos del Servicio
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Gynzy Teaching Tools necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Gynzy Teaching Tools podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar solo los archivos de Google Drive que utilices en esta aplicación
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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