ENRICH YOUR CLASSROOM! Ready-made engaging and fun lessons in a snap.
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Engaging and fun lessons in a snap. Get and keep students captivated with beautifully crafted lessons.

Meet your new digital toolkit, loaded with resources to get the most out of your class time! Pick one of the many standard-aligned lessons as a foundation or craft one of your own with our many tools and media libraries. Gynzy seamlessly embeds YouTube and Google Images into your lessons. We even add a free library of thousands of Gynzy images.

Together, we can create a better more efficient learning environment for students. Thousands of teachers rely on Gynzy for their daily engaging lessons. Discover why!

Gynzy is always in development. We publish new lessons weekly and create even more tools and other possibilities.
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Términos del Servicio
Gynzy solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Gynzy necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Gynzy podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar solo los archivos de Google Drive que utilices en esta aplicación
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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