Search over 40M+ beautiful royalty-free images and over a million presentation templates to get done faster and look like a pro.
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When it comes to telling your story or sharing your idea, nothing is more important than finding great images to drive home your messages. Standard image search tools often bring back results that aren’t properly licensed for use. Haiku Deck’s image search uses artificial intelligence to bring back the best presentation images, all of which are the right resolution and properly licensed under the Creative Commons license. It also makes it a snap to copy the attribution information required to comply with the license and maintain your status as an upstanding digital citizen. 

At Haiku Deck, we know that you’re busy and want to get your work done faster. So our Google Slides add-on also offers built-in search of our vast template gallery to inspire your work. Choose from user-generated presentations or professionally crafted templates on virtually any topic. If you find one you like, you can view it online for free or choose to become a Haiku Deck Pro subscriber to download, edit, and remix right within Google Slides or other traditional presentation tools.

Users will be asked to register for a free Haiku Deck account to continue using after the fifth image download on EACH presentation. Paying Haiku Deck Pro Subscribers get unlimited use of Haiku Deck's image search and other advanced features.

Learn more at
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