happierWork is a cloud-based feature rich software which automates HR process like recruitments, attendance and payroll for small and medium scale organizations..
Дата оновлення:19 червня 2022 р.
6 тис.+
Visit https://happierwork.com if not happierWork customer.

happierWork is a cloud-based feature rich software which automates HR process like recruitments, attendance and payroll for small and medium scale organizations.. 

*happierHire is a Wonder Tool that Simplifies Recruitment Process! It keeps hiring process systematic and organized. It lets you organize candidate database from all sources, provides tools to manage approvals & requisitions, effective resume parsing, quick feedback mechanism and a lot more for happy hiring.

*happierDeck is corporate communications platform and a custom dashboard for futuristic businesses with all the applications you need to access.

*happierFlow automates your core business processes. Stop using spreadsheets or emails to track your processes. Set happier Flow and know where you stand.

*Payrolls and claims made easy with happierPay. We help employees across different pay bands to do Tax declaration for every fiscal year.
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