Employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses.
Why HappyTeams?

No one deserves to be on an unhappy team. But, you know what’s even worse than being on an unhappy team? Leading one. We get it!

HappyTeams makes it easy for managers to unlock the data they need to develop a winning team, by deploying a highly targeted and integrated employee listening strategy. Listening to employees is essential to nurture better, more resilient and happier teams.

How does Happy Teams Work?

1. Questions

Curated by our renowned team of Organisational Psychologists, our suite of questions targets the deeper insights you need to develop a happy team.

2. Answers

In one click, get anonymous feedback from your team. To ensure clear and succinct communication our platform uses science-backed emoji responses.

3. Data

Real time insights are displayed in our intuitively designed suite of dashboards that can be customised to your Organisations unique structure.

Be the leader of a HappyTeam! 🚀

Try HappyTeams FREE for 30 days.

No credit card. No contract. No commitment. Yes - it's that easy!
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