Manage race data in Google spreadsheets. Supports the UK canoe marathon racing Hasler series, or other types via templates.
Автор:Will Abson
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After installing this add-on you can create race sheets from many published templates, for managing GB canoe marathon races. Just create a new blank spreadsheet and use the add-on's Start menu to populate the race sheets.

After the race sheets have been added you can start to add entries to the races, either from the marathon ranking list or for unranked crew members details can be entered manually. There is also the option to import entries from another Google Sheets file.

Start and finish times can be entered using the dedicated Starts and Finishes sheets, and the times of the individual crews will be automatically calculated and displayed in the race sheets.

Once all races are complete the Print menu action allows you to create a cut-down version of the race sheets in another sheet, optimised for printing.
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ЦіниНе доступно
Will AbsonСтатус продавця не вказано
ПідтримкаНе доступно
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