Text Highlighter for Google™ Docs is a simple yet powerful add-on designed to enhance your Google™ Documents experience by enabling easy text highlighting functionality.
정보 업데이트:2024년 10월 23일
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Text Highlighter for Google™ Docs is a simple yet powerful add-on designed to enhance your Google™ Documents experience by enabling easy text highlighting functionality. With this add-on, you can seamlessly highlight text within your Google™ Documents to emphasize key points, important ideas, or themes.

How to Use:
To use Highlight for Google™ Docs, simply install the add-on and then access it via the Add-ons menu within your Google™ Document. From there, you can select the text you wish to highlight and choose from a range of over 15 different colors and also have color input type apply to your highlights.

Use Cases:
For Students:
Study Notes: Use the highlighter tool when creating study notes inside Google™ Documents to emphasize the most important ideas or themes for tests or exams.
Organize Information: Highlight key concepts, definitions, or sections of text to create a visual hierarchy that makes it easier to review and understand notes.
For Teachers:
Grading: Use the highlight tool to correct essays and documents from students, highlighting grammar errors, spelling mistakes, or areas for improvement.
Lesson Planning: Highlight important information in lesson plans to draw attention to key points or objectives for students.
Versatility: Suitable for students, teachers, and professionals who need to highlight text documents.
Efficiency: Streamlines the process of highlighting text, making it easier to emphasize important information.
Customization: Choose from a variety of colors to create visually appealing highlights that stand out in your documents.
Highlight for Google™ Docs is a versatile and user-friendly add-on that enhances the functionality of Google™ Documents. Whether you're a student, teacher, or professional, this tool can help you make the most of your documents by highlighting important information and streamlining your workflow.
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