A Quiz maker to Build - Share - Test - Auto grade - Analyze An online exam software to assess employees, assess students and assess candidates. Online test software with an industry first “Automatic question generator”.It helps you extract questions & possible answers from your course & training materials automatically. - Hippo Quiz helps you, Build, Share, Track and Analyze tests online quickly. - Drag & Drop builder to build tests quickly - Industry first Web and Presentation Parsers to generate questions - Share it to your employees, students, groups and anyone on the web - Online Classrooms / Portal helps learner to progress themselves - Take tests anywhere, anytime on any device - Auto grade tests and analyze Presentation Parser - Presentation Parser helps you generate questions and possible answers from presentations and documents. https://www.hippoquiz.com/faq.html#answer-6 Web Parser - Highlight a content on the web and convert it into a question with our Web Parser. GApps integration features - Login using GApps credentials - Import GApps Users as users into Hippo Quiz - Hippo Quiz available as GApp from one bar - Import contacts of GApps as candidates of Hippo Quiz - Import of quizzes from Google spreadsheets and presentations - Add test date/time as events in users GApp calendar - Share the quiz to Google + - Embed quiz in Google Sites
243 tis.+
A Quiz maker to Build - Share - Test - Autograde - Analyze
An online exam software to assess employees, assess students and assess candidates.

Online test software with an industry first “Automatic question generator”.It helps you extract questions & possible answers from your course & training materials automatically.

- Hippo Quiz helps you Build, Share, Track and Analyze tests online quickly.
- Drag & Drop builder to build tests quickly
- Industry first Web and Presentation Parsers to generate questions
- Share it to your employees, students, groups and anyone on the web
- Online Classrooms / Portal helps learner to progress themselves
- Take tests anywhere, anytime on any device
- Auto grade tests and analyze

Presentation Parser - Presentation Parser helps you generate questions and possible answers from presentations and documents.

Web Parser - Highlight a content on the web and convert it into a question with our Web Parser.

GApps integration features

- Login using GApps credentials
- Import GApps Users as users into Hippo Quiz
- Hippo Quiz available as GApp from one bar
- Import contacts of GApps as candidates of Hippo Quiz
- Import of quizzes from Google spreadsheets and presentations
- Add test date/time as events in users GApp calendar
- Share the quiz to Google +
- Embed quiz in Google Sites
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Hippo Quiz bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci Hippo Quiz tím umožníte:
Čtení a stahování vašich souborů na Disku Google
Čtení všech vašich tabulek v Tabulkách Google
Čtení, úpravy, sdílení a trvalé mazání kalendářů, ke kterým máte přístup pomocí Kalendáře Google
Čtení a stahování vašich kontaktů
Zobrazení a správa zřizování účtů uživatelům v doméně
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
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